Nebula Stone™

This is a trademarked stone linked to a mine in a remote part of Mexico only.
It is said to raise overall conscious awareness and brings with it remembrance of the soul’s spiritual roots. It is said that looking into nebula stone can take you out to infinity and inward to the smallest particle of being and ultimately brings you to where the two become one. Good for scrying and brings to a state of non-duality. Assists in accessing the Akashic record and said to aid in auric reading.
It helps reduce fear and facilitates letting go of the old to allow space for the new. Nebula stone is a strong grounding stone whilst also facilitating and opening to higher connections, making it excellent for meditation. It is also said to improve and sharpen memory.
Chakra: Third eye, root and heart.
It is said to bring about profound healing at the cellular level of being.
Folk Remedies:
It is said to be of benefit for; cellular healing, kidneys, fertility (especially in women), bronchitis, trauma, grief, muscles, muscular pain, thyroid and nervous system.

Novaculite is a specific variety of chert or flint and is rich in silica its name is derived from the Latin word ‘novacula’ meaning ‘razor stone’. It is a sedimentary rock that is formed from microcrystalline or cryptocrystalline quartz.
Novaculite is stone of enlightenment that can assist in cutting cords (severing ties) with the past and past relationships.
Connects the third eye and crown chakras which creates strong connections to channel information from higher consciousness and spirit.
It is also said to assist in alleviating depression and despair.
Chakra: All chakras
Opens, activates and energises all the chakras, removing energy blockages. Allows energy to flow freely throughout the chakra system.
Folk Remedies:
It is said to be of benefit for the nervous system, lymphatic system, and for the skin.
Hardness: 7

Novaculite is a specific variety of chert or flint and is rich in silica its name is derived from the Latin word ‘novacula’ meaning ‘razor stone’. It is a sedimentary rock that is formed from microcrystalline or cryptocrystalline quartz.
Novaculite is stone of enlightenment that can assist in cutting cords (severing ties) with the past and past relationships.
Connects the third eye and crown chakras which creates strong connections to channel information from higher consciousness and spirit.
It is also said to assist in alleviating depression and despair.
Chakra: All chakras
Opens, activates and energises all the chakras, removing energy blockages. Allows energy to flow freely throughout the chakra system.
Folk Remedies:
It is said to be of benefit for the nervous system, lymphatic system, and for the skin.
Hardness: 7

One of the oldest minerals formed over 3 billion years ago.
It has been called the sorcerer’s stone and is protective against ill wishing and psychic manipulation. It teaches us that the bonds and constraints placed on us are self imposed and can be easily discarded. It is protective and shielding on the physical, etheric and emotional level.
Set into a want it can be used to pull out negative energy, imprints and implants and set in with Tugtupite silver it can be used for ritual work. It helps protect against negative vibrations and pollutants, helps in seeing behind facades, and stimulates intellect and memory.
Ideal for lower world journeys as it assists in travelling with stealth and sureness. It increases intuition, psychic wisdom and transforms intellect to intellectual thought.
Chakra: Root – Opens, activates and integrates all the chakras.
Folk Remedies:
It believed to be of benefit for; insomnia, tissue regeneration, pain relief, purifies blood, dispersing infections, throat, vision, Parkinson’s disease, headaches, insulin regulation, kidneys and nerves.
Hardness: 5.5-6
Chemical Composition: (Mg2)(Mg5)Si8O22(OH)2
Nzuri Moyo

Nzuri Moyo is a rare green/grey/pink stone from
Its name is Swahili for ‘Good heart’/ ‘beautiful
Spirit’. It is a deep crystal for the
heart centre resonating love, hope and joy.
It can assist in diffusing, releasing and letting go of anger with the
world and pent-up negativity.
It is said to reduce anxiety and promotes clarity
of thought. It teaches self-worth and
self-love imparting courage, loyalty, inner peace, empathy and compassion. It can be beneficial in relationships for
romance and easing tension.
It is beneficial for meditation due to its ability
to balance physical and subtle bodies, it can stimulate astral travel. It can assist in developing clear visualisation
and opening up receptiveness to receiving spiritual guidance.
It enhances psychic abilities and helps in
spiritual development.
Chakra: Heart
Feng Shui:
Folk Remedies:
Nzuri Moyo is said to assist the body to heal itself
from many ailments. It is believed to be beneficial for asthma, arthritis,
swollen joints, tumours /growths, broken bones, torn muscles and boosting the
immune system.
Hardness: 7